Segregated schools and communities, disinvested and redlined neighborhoods, and mortgage and housing discrimination were among many public and privately supported policies that caused tremendous intergenerational harm to communities of color. I joined Urban to study and strengthen the next generation of efforts to undo this damage.
Reed Jordan is a research associate in the Policy Advisory Group at the Urban Institute. He manages the Housing Assistance Matters Initiative, a three-year project to produce and publicize evidence-based commentaries and digital products about how federally subsidized housing effects people, communities, and the economy. Before joining the Policy Advisory Group, Jordan was part of Urban’s Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, where he worked on national and local-level projects related to affordable housing, community development, and performance management. He previously provided technical assistance to grantees of the US Department of Education’s Promise Neighborhood program and evaluated the early implementation of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's Choice Neighborhoods initiative.
Jordan graduated magna cum laude from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, with honors in political science and departmental distinction on his senior thesis.