Brief Partial Repeal of the ACA through Reconciliation: Coverage Implications for Parents and Children
Matthew Buettgens, Genevieve M. Kenney, Clare Wang Pan
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We compare health care coverage for children and parents under the ACA and under a reconciliation bill repealing the ACA similar to the one vetoed in January 2016, addressing two issues specific to children’s coverage: maintenance of eligibility and federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). We find that 4.4 million children and 7.6 million parents could lose coverage in 2019 if Congress’s budget reconciliation process repeals pieces of the ACA without a replacement plan. Under the repeal bill, states would be able to reduce Medicaid and CHIP eligibility for children beginning in 2017. We find that up to 9 million more children could lose coverage if states lower Medicaid/CHIP eligibility to the new minimum standards.
Research Areas Health and health care Children and youth
Tags Federal health care reform Maternal, child, and reproductive health Health insurance Kids in context
Policy Centers Health Policy Center