Brief HOST: Can Public Housing Be a Platform for Change?
Susan J. Popkin, Marla McDaniel
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Building on research in distressed public housing communities, we argue for a new approach to addressing the worst consequences of concentrated poverty and helping families move toward self-sufficiency. We introduce the Housing Opportunities and Services Together (HOST) demonstration, a two-generation, whole-family service model that uses public and mixed-income housing as a platform for intensive, wraparound services. We describe how HOST encapsulates lessons learned from studying federal housing policies, challenges that make reversing chronic disadvantage so difficult, and our theoretical framework for fostering change. We outline HOST's research design in four sites: Chicago, New York, Portland, and Washington, DC.

Research Areas Neighborhoods, cities, and metros Children and youth Families Social safety net
Tags Welfare and safety net programs Child support Neighborhoods and youth development Kids in context
Policy Centers Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center