Brief Employer Demand for Welfare Recipients by Race
Harry Holzer, Michael A. Stoll
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This paper examines the determinants of employer demand for welfare recipients using new survey data on employers in four large metropolitan areas. The results suggest a high level of demand for welfare recipients, though such demand appears fairly sensitive to business cycle conditions. A broad range of factors, including skill needs and industry, affect the prospective demand for welfare recipients among employers, while other characteristics that affect the relative supply of welfare recipients to these employers (such as spatial location and employer use of local agencies or welfare-to-work programs) influence the extent to which such demand is realized in actual hiring. Moreover, the conditional demand for black (and to a lesser extent Hispanic) welfare recipients lags behind their representation in the welfare population, and seems to be more heavily affected by employers' location and indicators of preferences than by their skill needs or overall hiring activity. Thus, a variety of factors on the demand side of the labor market continue to limit the employment options of welfare recipients, especially those who are minorities.
Research Areas Wealth and financial well-being Social safety net Race and equity
Tags Welfare and safety net programs Employment and income data Racial barriers to accessing the safety net Racial inequities in employment