Brief The Built Environment and Household Vulnerability in a Regional Context
Rolf Pendall, Brett Theodos, Kaitlin Franks
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This brief explores vulnerability, precariousness, and resilience as they apply to people, housing, neighborhoods, and metropolitan areas. We document the relationships between potential personal or household vulnerability and potentially precarious housing conditions. Microdata from the American Community Survey suggest that an important minority of people have multiple vulnerabilities; these vulnerabilities associate with residence in precarious housing. By beginning from the level of individuals, we build the groundwork for a more robust approach toward tackling concentrated disadvantage within the context of fostering resilient regions. We suggest that policy be directed toward precarious situations most likely to afflict the most vulnerable populations.
Research Areas Neighborhoods, cities, and metros Race and equity Immigration Housing
Tags Federal housing programs and policies Racial and ethnic disparities Housing markets Immigrant communities demographics and trends Federal urban policies Federal, state, and local immigration and integration policy Immigrant communities and racial equity Racial barriers to housing
Policy Centers Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center