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Small-Dollar Credit: A Research Discussion with State Regulators

This roundtable connected researchers with regulators, so that research can inform consumer protection to improve small-dollar credit products. By bringing together researchers and multiple regulators,  a shared conversation was had about the latest policy-relevant research and how future research can inform what we don’t know. 

I. Overview: Diversity of Consumers and Consumer Needs

This session highlighted the diverse needs and circumstances of small-dollar credit consumers. Who are they? Why do they turn to small-dollar credit?

II. Product Features: Consumer and Provider Perspectives

In response to the diversity of consumer needs, what types of product features are useful and appropriate for the market? What product features get consumers into trouble? What constraints do financial institutions operate under?

III. Tying it Together

What are the challenges to providing small-dollar credit products that are safe and affordable to consumers and profitable and scalable for providers? Can research contribute to overcoming these challenges? What don’t we know yet? 


Small-Dollar Credit: Consumer Needs and Industry Challenges

Date & Time Monday, October 6, 2014
2100 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20037
, DC , 20037
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  • Vice President, Labor, Human Services, and Population
  • Nonresident Fellow